Prayer and fasting go hand in hand. Fasting is when we give up what we want now for what we need God to do in our lives. Prayer and fasting are the nerves that move the hand of God.
Giving up social media and TV shows can always be a helpful action in our lives. Biblical Fasting, though, always involves giving up food of some kind. There are different kinds of fasting, and we see people in the bible demonstrate this. Jesus, Daniel, Ezekiel, and even Moses knew that when they were desperate for God to move in their lives, fasting was what got God's attention.
What you are fasting FOR is just as important as what you are fasting FROM. Chances are, you already know where you need God to show up in your life. Write it down. Keep it in front of you. Fasting is not just about NOT eating or drinking something, it's about leaning more into God through prayer. So when you're hungry, pray. When you're frustrated, pray. When you're ready to quit, pray. And pray about that very thing you need God to do in your life.
Pastor Tim’s favorite resource on fasting. Click here to get your copy!
Tips for Fasting!
- Fasting is to get closer to God and his word.
- Stop Eating for period of time.
- Keep it between you and God.
- Pair fasting with prayer and God’s word.